The 7 Days Start Up Book By Dan Norris Full Summary.|SangaTutor|
The 7 Days Start Up Book By Dan Norris Full Summary. The Book in Three Sentences 1. You have to spend time on the things that are most likely to bring you customers 2. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you have to ’ship’ your product. 3. You have to build a business idea in order to test it. The Five Big Ideas 1. “Once you launch, you need to get more people paying you. You have to relentlessly pursue your best method of getting customers and not the stuff you naturally gravitate to.” 2. “There is a very big difference between someone entering their email and someone paying you each month for a product.” 3. “There’s a huge forgotten void between ‘idea’ and ‘successful business’ that validation doesn’t account for.” 4. “If you want to be an entrepreneur, you need to ...